Thursday, June 26, 2008

Racial Profiling
Racial profiling has been going on for years and in my opinion it is very wrong. Raicial profiling is when people treat groups of different religion differently. By differently I mean by businesses telling Japanese to stay away like they did after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Sometimes people are afraid of people that look different from them, that is why they treat them differently. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor during World War II, people living in America, (other than the Japanese), treated the Japanese diffferntly. This was because they weren't sure which side they were on, so they assumed that they were for the Japanese and put them all in different internment camps. One example of a Japanese Internment Camp is Manzanar. The Japanese that had to go to Manzanar were lucky that they weren't sent to camp that forced Japanese to live in horse stalls. There are many examples of racial profiling. Another is when some people living in America took Africans from their own country, put them on a boat, and sold them just because of their skin color. Americans made Africans work for them against their will. This is unfair treatment towards Africans which is obvious. Don't be quick to judge people that are of a different race than you, get to know them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, Racial Profiling is really wrong. I think people result to racial profiling when they're scared, and don't know what to think of other people. I think the worst case of racial profiling nowadays is with the Muslims and Arabs in third world countries. Well to conclude Racial Profiling should never be applied to any group of people.