Friday, June 27, 2008

AG Summer Academy

For two weeks this summer, I participated in the AG Summer Academy. I have learned so much, more than I usually do at school. I learned about the Scotch-Irish and about some of their traditions. I also learned that there were Japanese Internment Camps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor during World War II. I never knew there were such things as Japanese Internment Camps. I also learned some tricks in chess from Mr. deVille. Another thing I learned in the AG Summer Academy was about the Road to Nowhere. I had fun debating about wheather or not it should be built. We also had a guess speaker, Ms. Chew, who told us about some different plants and what they were used for. One plant that we learned about was black birch. People in the olden days would use the branches of the black birch as a tooth brush. The branch would have a fresh mint smell and taste. Ms. Chew gave us some to try. Another plant that I learned about was horse hair, wich is used as a flash powder. I would have never learned about that in school. I enjoyed learning about how to make blogs and movies. I loved the book Farewell to Manzanar. The greatest experience I had was the mock trial on whether the Japanese Internment Camps were fair or not. It was very realistic. Mr. deVille and Ms. Powell are two very excellent teachers that have taught me so much. I am glad that I have participated in the AG Summer Academy.

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