Friday, June 27, 2008

Road to Nowhere News Broadcast

AG Summer Institute Ethics Debate

North Shore Road Recomendations

Appalachian Nature

AG Summer Academy

For two weeks this summer, I participated in the AG Summer Academy. I have learned so much, more than I usually do at school. I learned about the Scotch-Irish and about some of their traditions. I also learned that there were Japanese Internment Camps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor during World War II. I never knew there were such things as Japanese Internment Camps. I also learned some tricks in chess from Mr. deVille. Another thing I learned in the AG Summer Academy was about the Road to Nowhere. I had fun debating about wheather or not it should be built. We also had a guess speaker, Ms. Chew, who told us about some different plants and what they were used for. One plant that we learned about was black birch. People in the olden days would use the branches of the black birch as a tooth brush. The branch would have a fresh mint smell and taste. Ms. Chew gave us some to try. Another plant that I learned about was horse hair, wich is used as a flash powder. I would have never learned about that in school. I enjoyed learning about how to make blogs and movies. I loved the book Farewell to Manzanar. The greatest experience I had was the mock trial on whether the Japanese Internment Camps were fair or not. It was very realistic. Mr. deVille and Ms. Powell are two very excellent teachers that have taught me so much. I am glad that I have participated in the AG Summer Academy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Uber is a word that means cool, awesome ex. Uber is a very uber word.

Racial Profiling
Racial profiling has been going on for years and in my opinion it is very wrong. Raicial profiling is when people treat groups of different religion differently. By differently I mean by businesses telling Japanese to stay away like they did after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Sometimes people are afraid of people that look different from them, that is why they treat them differently. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor during World War II, people living in America, (other than the Japanese), treated the Japanese diffferntly. This was because they weren't sure which side they were on, so they assumed that they were for the Japanese and put them all in different internment camps. One example of a Japanese Internment Camp is Manzanar. The Japanese that had to go to Manzanar were lucky that they weren't sent to camp that forced Japanese to live in horse stalls. There are many examples of racial profiling. Another is when some people living in America took Africans from their own country, put them on a boat, and sold them just because of their skin color. Americans made Africans work for them against their will. This is unfair treatment towards Africans which is obvious. Don't be quick to judge people that are of a different race than you, get to know them.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Slave Distribution Part II

In this picture, the county with the most percent of slaves if Franklin with 52.2% slaves. The county with the least is Johnson with 31.8%

Slave Distribution

In my opinion, the places with the most percentage of slaves has flatter lands. Flatter lands makes it easier to have plantations. The places with the lowest percent probably have mountains. The county with the highest percent of slaves in this picture is Rutherford County. The county with the lowest percent of slaves is Madison County.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Macon Middle School

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Georgia Lottery

Gold had been discovered in the Cherokee Nation in 1828. Georgia gave the Cherokee Nation away in the 1832 lottery. The are where they believed gold existed was divided into 40 acres and the rest into 160 acres. The people of Georgia would draw a number of a lot. There would be riders ready with horses so they could race to buy the lots that were believed to have gold. If one of the gold lots were drawn, the riders would go and race to the winners residence and try to buy the lot.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who Stole My Cheese


First Time

This is my VERY FIRST post on this blog, obviously. I don't really know what to write aobut this blog, I guess it will partly be about cheese because of the name. Here is a cheese fact: cheese is a mold, which means it's alive, which means it can